Using @mentions
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@mentions allows users to call out other community members and community content within a post. This is helpful for responding to a forum topic when you want to link it to another post that includes helpful information.
Community supports two kinds of @mentions:
- User Mentions
- Content Mentions
User mentions
With User Mentions, users can call out specific users in their posts and invite them to join the conversation. You might @mention a user when you know they can answer a question or supply valuable insight into a thread. Also, you may just want to ensure they see when you directly thank or give them public praise.
For example, you want to thank a user (admin) for their great answer to a question you asked. After clicking the “Reply” button, enter an "at" symbol (@) followed by their username, “@admin”. As you type, a pop-up menu appears with matching names. You can either continue typing the name or select a name from the list.
When you select or finish entering the name, the mentioned username is highlighted, as shown here:
When users are mentioned in posts, they receive an email notification.
Content mentions
Content Mentions enable users to call out specific posts within the body of a message. This is a way to quickly embed a link to other content in the community. Content mentions are supported in all conversation styles in both topics and replies/comments.
For example, you respond to a forum topic and want to link to another post that includes helpful information. Type the @ symbol and any keywords in the subject or body of the message you want to link to. As you type, search results with messages matching that keyword organized by conversation style appear in the pop-up. You may enter multiple words in the pop-up. When multiple words are entered, all words must be present in the subject and/or body.
When you select an item in the list, the subject of the post is highlighted with a hyperlink in the body of your message.
When content is mentioned in posts, authors are sent email notifications.