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The online world is full of questions — and we’re here to help answer them. See what other parents are wondering about when it comes to their kids’ online behavior. Ask your own question here.
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How can I decide if an online game is safe for my child?
There are many questions you can ask yourself to determine if a game is safe for your child. Here are a few that our friends at Kidas recommend.
My 8-year old wants to play Fortnite. Is it safe?
Only you can determine what is appropriate for your family. Many parents refer to The Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) ratings when making these types of decisions. The ESRB has given Fortnite a T (Teenagers) rating with a Content Descriptor for Violence and Interactive Elements.
How do I set up a Parent Pin on Roblox? What’s it for?
Lock access to your child’s Roblox account settings by creating a four-digit PIN. Once enabled, there will be an additional layer of security to protect their account details — including your password, email address, and privacy settings.
My child was exposed to some inappropriate content on Roblox. I feel awful and don’t know what they saw. What should I do?
Unfortunately, you can't guarantee that your children won't see inappropriate content online — accidentally or intentionally. Start by talking to your child about what they saw. Provide a safe space. Many children keep problems secret from their parents because they fear they might get in trouble.
My teenage son is withdrawing from real life and spends all his time online. Should I be worried?
The teenage years can be a rollercoaster of emotions, and while some behavioral changes are completely normal, it’s important to recognize when your teen is isolating and experiencing changes in behavior or mood due.
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