Experts’ #1 piece of advice for parents in the digital era 🎥

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Learn digital parenting experts’ top tips for parents with kids aging into their internet access years.

It can be overwhelming for parents to start conversations with their kids about their technology usage, especially as devices and apps continue to evolve. To help get you started, we sat down with ALL of our experts who have narrowed it down to one piece of advice.

Here’s what experts had to say:

  • Remember that it’s a process
    • Go slow and make tech-related decisions based on how your child handles themselves with their devices over time.
  • Set rules early and stick to them
    • When parents set rules after being lenient, kids tend to be more resistant. By making your expectations clear from the beginning, children will have a clearer understanding and parents will have a clearer head. 
  • Share the experience together
    • Join your child on the platforms they’re using and understand how they work. By knowing how your child is engaging online, parents can make more educated and personalized tech-related decisions.
  • Keep your child included
    • Believe, listen to, and include your child in conversations about tech-related decisions. Share concerns with your child rather than dictating solutions and disciplines.
  • Have open conversations
    • Talk about the internet, technology, and media everyday—not just when something has gone wrong. 
  • Technology is your superpower
    • Use digital tools to your advantage to know where your kids are, what they’re doing, and to make contacting you accessible at all times. While this digital era can be stressful, it can also give you peace of mind.

Continuing to lead by example and have open conversations with your kids about technology will help your family get a clearer understanding of each other’s needs, allowing for more productive decision-making. Remember that your child is also new to the digital world, so approach online safety together as a family.

Watch the full video here

Special thanks to: 
  • Ron Kerbs: CEO and Founder, Kidas
  • Dr. Dave Anderson: Senior Psychologist, Child Mind Institute
  • Dr. Jacqueline Nesi: Clinical Psychologist; Professor, Brown University
  • Dr. Aliza Pressman: Psychologist; Best-Selling Author; Podcast Host
  • Dr. Lisa Damour: NYT Best-Selling Author; Clinical Psychologist
  • Hari Ravichandran: CEO and Founder, Aura
  • Michael Preston: Executive Director, Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop
  • Lance Ulanoff: Editor-at-Large, TechRadar
  • Dr. Laura Erickson Schroth: Chief Medical Officer, The Jed Foundation
  • Reena Ninan: Journalist
  • Lily Cornell Silver: Host, Mind Wide Open
  • Merve Lapus: VP of Education and Outreach, Common Sense Media
  • Keri Rodrigues: President, National Parents Union

Parents, want to learn how online platforms can build a better internet for kids to grow up with? Check out this article. 

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