Does BeReal have parental controls?

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BeReal doesn’t have any parental controls. It works differently than many social media apps, though, so you may still feel comfortable with your kids using BeReal.

How is BeReal different from other social media platforms?

While Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook use algorithms to display a continual stream of content to users, BeReal doesn’t.

Everyone using the photo sharing app gets a daily notification—sent at a random time—prompting them to create a BeReal post in a two-minute window. You get limited chances to retake or delete a post, and there are no photo filters. BeReal captures what everyone’s doing, and what they look like, in real time using a phone’s front and back cameras.

There’s no messaging on BeReal, either, though users may like content with a “Realmoji” (which is a selfie, not a standard emoji) and leave comments on friends’ posts.

What kinds of content will my kids see on BeReal?

Your kids will only see content on BeReal if they participate by creating a post each day. If they do, then they’ll be able to see content from three types of BeReal users:

  1. Friends who they’ve accepted a follow request from, or sent a follow request to. Normal BeReal users must approve a friend request before someone can see what they post. 
  2. Other people who choose to post their photos to BeReal’s public feed, known as Discover
  3. Famous names and brands who maintain BeReal accounts that anyone may follow

Your kids can see any of their friends’ posts or those made by public users—there are no content filters to weed out certain types of images like on Instagram.

BeReal users aren’t supposed to post inappropriate content, but it could potentially make its way onto your child’s BeReal account anyway.

If your kids encounter inappropriate content while using the app, you can report it to BeReal for review and removal.

Can I monitor my kids’ BeReal accounts?

If you want to monitor your kids’ BeReal accounts, you’re going to need to look through the account on their phone, or become one of their BeReal friends. There’s no way to monitor your kids’ BeReal accounts remotely through your own app.

You can’t set their feed to be friends-only, either. Anyone with a BeReal account can check out the Discover feed or follow influencers and companies.

Can I restrict screen time on BeReal?

You can’t restrict BeReal screen time in the app itself. BeReal wants its users to have access to the app at all times, as you never know when the daily notification will arrive. It’s as random as one of those “poke” notifications you’d get back in the early days of Facebook.

If you want to set a screen time limit for BeReal, you’ll need to use your child’s device settings or a parental control app.

Is the BeReal app safe for my child?


As with most social networks, though, part of staying safe on BeReal comes down to how you use it. By working with your kids to practice good internet safety habits, and discussing what they see on BeReal, the app can be a fun way for them to socialize with friends.

To learn more about how this popular app works, check out our complete parents’ guide to BeReal.

Everyone’s threshold for safety and age-appropriate content is different. Some parents like that BeReal is free of filters and TikTok-style feeds; others will prefer their kids use apps with stronger parental controls.

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